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Health Check - 

Project Assessment


Process Assessment Health Check

Independent Review of an Individual Process

A Process Assessment Health Check allows us to demonstrate our expertise and ability to analyze a process, uncover issues, bottlenecks, risks or concerns and provide your executive management team with a high-level summary with risk analysis, including first steps towards remediation.


As part of your health check, you will receive the follow level of services:


  • A CAS Worldwide process improvement specialist onsite or remove for a day to meet with your key stakeholders and discuss their processes related to a specific area, such as shipping.


  • An Executive Summary Report, including a control matrix identifying key areas for change as well as a ranking of these areas by risk and reward levels of high, medium, and low.

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  • As with all process assessments, our reviews include the review of your workflow and assessment of technology and internal controls.

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  • A Meeting with your Executive Leadership to review our findings.

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