Dan Stieglitz
Business advisory consultant and project manager possessing wide-ranging vision, planning, and execution experience. Hands-on subject matter expert in internal controls, network infrastructure, business processes, and securities and risk management. Director and coach of teams, who collaborates as a mentor and facilitator. Plans, staffs, and satisfactorily deliver results on time, and within budget, across all stages of the business and solution lifecycles. This includes strategy, analysis, design, requirements, development, testing, implementation, operation, and post-delivery support. Plans and manages implementations of various inventory management, customer relations management, and ERP systems.
Skill Sets:
Policy, guidelines, rules, strategy, planning, budget, forecast, analysis
Risk & control self-assessment (RCSA) & Key risk indicators (KRI)
ERP Assessment and implementation
Business Process – Operations, Accounting, Sales and Marketing
Key process indicators (KPI)
Operational risk & internal controls
General Computer Control Matrix
Business Intelligence Analytics
Performed a process review and software selection process for an Italian sauce manufacturer to determine changes in processes and implementation of an ERP system to handle, manufacturing, cost analysis, warehousing and lot control, recall management, and trade allowance
Performed a review of the entire cash process related to a 120-store grocery food cooperative, including preparation of a risk control matrix. Provided Executive Management with a framework for changes in process, which led to tightened internal controls and mitigated potential fraud.
Performed a review of the information technology department of a 120-store grocery food cooperative, including the creation of a departmental organizational chart, the hiring of a new position-CIO for the cooperative, the evaluation, prioritization, and management of all open projects.
Performed a Business Risk and Forensic Audit on a national conservation societies construction process. Reviewed all areas related to construction projects, including design, implementation, and budgeting, to determine weaknesses in controls and processes. Worked with the Society’s Budgeting office to implement changes in process to reduce a 150% overrun on various projects.
Implemented an Enterprise Resource Planning system into a $300MM Ecommerce electronics distributor, which allowed them the ability to eliminate manual process and increase overall efficiencies in warehouse. This encompassed the implementation of a warehousing system that includes the capabilities of automatic data capture in the pick, pack, and shipping process.
Prepared SSEA16/SAS 70 readiness reports, as well as various General Computer Control Audit questionnaires, to assist in the preparation of audits for the clients.
Developed and completely rewrote the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for a
reverse pharmaceutical distribution company’s warehouse operations. Provided customization, development, and training on a newly implemented Customer Relationship Management (CRM) package.